Friday, September 25, 2009

A post to get started

Yow Wah gwaan,

Just a note: This class and all your comments are incredible and I am confident you will WOW the OAS with great ideas.

Every ting ire,

After class thought thanks to Pasadena PD

So after class today I went to the Starbucks right by South Campus and the guy at the table next to me got arrested right there (someone called in that he had a knife or something). Anyways, all these police cars pulled up and I was ready the copy on the cars. LA is To protect and to serve or something like that, but Pasadena is "Excellence, Innovation, and Integrity" and I really got what the teachers were saying about how these words we use that a non-specific don't really mean anything. Like, what does integrity mean? It seems to have all these new connotation on a police car. The words seems to carry less meaning, too.

Anyways, just a random thought process thought I'd pass along.

To be continued...

Monday, September 21, 2009


Hey Ya'll,

Hope you like the blog template I chose, it's called "No.897". Very cryptic...

Anyways, thought I'd pop up a little blog so if we have any thoughts or links or dreams or whatever, we can really easily post them for all to see. (As much as I like doted, I've found it very difficult to use in both my classes that use it and can't reply to anything, plus it's real slow from home.)

So, let's begin:
Here is a website I found really interesting, and perhaps relevant. All these websites are interconnected, and are for District 9 (the movie, see it if you haven't!). - the more traditional movie website with information, but after the preview (you can skip), you navigate the site with a 360 degree view of a refugee camp and you can click on the different buildings, which pop up little videos that are in the style of the movie. - This is a little different. Here, the website is the fictional refugee camp in the movie, illustrated by a map. Before entering the site, you must choose a character (human or alien). The alien side of the site is in a made up language, and there a many attributes to click on and find out more info. You can look for jobs or find out gov't regulations. Sometimes you break laws and are redirected to the next site: (MNU) - A fictional government organization that is established to form regulations around aliens living on Earth and the use of their technology. The site explains these regulations in many interactive ways, including videos and directories. It's very in depth.

There are also more sites, like a blog in the alien language about alien equality, MNU training site, and more...

Very interesting and comprehensive.